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Pre-conference interview
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With 2008’s CE4 Research Conference under their
belts, SQUARED Productions Videography is ready
to return to Roswell for the 2009 Ancient of
Days Christian Symposium on Aliens. This year’s
DVD package will bring you the whole event in
high quality, study-friendly professional video
and sound. This will be an event to remember, so
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To present Biblical evidence that the
phenomena and entities commonly referred to
as "aliens" by popular culture are indeed
spiritual in nature - opposed to genuinely
extra-terrestrial - and is best described as
the activity of "fallen angels" intent on
deceiving mankind away from a knowledge of
the true God and gospel of His Son, our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ.
Symposium Mission:
To assemble many of most noted Christian
authors and researchers in the field of
"alien" research, so that others may benefit
from their consensus view and combined
decades of research and ministry, and thus
equip The Body of Christ to not be deceived
by these "...seducing spirits and doctrines
of devils" (1 Tim 4:1) and perhaps most
importantly, to effectively minister to
those currently bound and tormented by their
Towards this Vision & Mission,
11 evangelical Christians,
including practicing pastors and
ministers, PhD scholars and published
well-known for
their work in studying UFOs and alleged alien activity
from a Biblical perspective,
presented a series of 9 lectures and
completed a 4-hour
Symposium during this 3 day event held
to coincide with the annual
Roswell UFO Festival.
Disc 1
Bennett, PhD "Communications with Non-Terrestrial
Beings: Biblical & Historical Warnings"
L.A. Marzulli, D Min
"The UFO Phenomena is Real, Burgeoning, and Not
Going Away"
Michael S. Heiser, PhD
"Why an Extraterrestrial God Appeals to Today's
William Alnor, PhD
"Aliens & Demonology: A Study Throughout History and
Disc 2
Joe Jordan, OM, MUFON
"Unholy Communion: The Spiritual Nature of Abduction
Guy Malone
"ET's Message
To Humanity - A False Gospel"
Pastor Chris Ward, D Min
"Ministry to the UFO Community; One Pastor's Story"
Guy & Mrs. Malone
"The Bible, Physics, & The Abilities of
Fallen Angels"
(per request, read this lecture
Gary Bates
"Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution
Disc 3
The First
Christian Symposium on Aliens
The above speakers,
along with Stephen Yulish PhD and Pastor Russ Dizdar
All are known for
their work in studying UFOs and (alleged) Alien Activity
- and were asked a series of 50 planned statistical questions,
to see if a consensus could be found, and also several
deeper theological questions regarding these topics:
Do you believe that
God created sentient life on other planets?
How would you counsel someone claiming
to have
an "alien abduction" experience?
If there were an official announcement that UFOs are real
and aliens are visiting us, how would you respond?"
Audience Q&A followed and is included.
William Alnor, PhD
is the author of four books: "Soothsayers of the Second Advent ;" "UFOs
in the New Age;" "Heaven Can't Wait: A Survey of Alleged Trips to the Other Side",
and "UFO Cults and the New Millennium ."
He has also authored hundreds of articles and investigative reports in
many magazines and journals. He has appeared on numerous radio and
television shows including 20/20, Inside Edition and A Current Affair.
Formerly a professor at Texas A&M University (directing the journalism
program) he now teaches at Cal State, East Bay in Hayward, California. He
oversees the work of the Christian Sentinel’s publications and ministry.
While working on his graduate degrees, he planted a church that became
Calvary Chapel Living Waters of the Lehigh Valley in Allentown,
Pennsylvania. He is the former executive director of EMNR (Evangelical
Ministries to New Religions) and coordinated two successful national
conferences on cults and false religious movements. He is the former news
editor of the Christian Research Journal under the directorship of the
late Walter Martin, the original Bible Answer Man and the former editor of
National and International Religion Report.
Gary Bates
is the CEO of Creation Ministries International (CMI) Worldwide, which has
offices in 7 countries. It is believed that CMI employs more scientists
than any other Christian organization. Their specialty is in dealing
with the ongoing creation vs evolution debate and to highlight the
social ills of rampant evolutionism.
A well -travelled international speaker,
Bates resides in Australia and has been speaking on the
creation/evolution issue since 1990. He was once an evolutionist, but is
now fully convinced of the young-earth creationist position. He has a
heart to communicate this information at a lay level so more can become
convinced about the total veracity of Scripture.
In recent years, Gary has undertaken specialist research into the UFO
phenomenon and associated extraterrestrial beliefs. Gary has written the top 50 bestseller "Alien
Intrusion : UFOs and the Evolution Connection".
This unique book provides biblical answers to
the puzzling questions regarding UFOs and life
on other planets. Gary is also on the editorial
staff and a regular contributor to Creation
J. Michael Bennett, PhD,
has spent a career in the sciences, serving as a leader in a governmental
aerospace laboratory, as well as operating his own successful technology
development enterprise.
He received his
Ph.D in engineering in 2003, after ending a 10 year education hiatus while
working. He served as a leader in a military lab for sixteen years,
developing protection technologies and other weird science contraptions.
Since 2003, he has operated his own company, which combined technology
development and consulting for military, governmental and commercial
organizations, with his own in-house development of novel protection
technologies. These technologies, invented and patented by Dr. Future,
have been a major success in the marketplace, currently protecting police
cars, race cars and military vehicles, and soon to include commerical
He currently hosts the weekly radio show
“Future Quake”,
under the radio moniker of “Doctor Future”.
This show can be heard
daily at 4PM Central Time on WENO AM 760 in
Nashville, TN.
2008, Bennett was invited to speak at a United Nations and World Council
of Churches-sponsored international conference in Montreal, Canada, with
the conference theme of "Reconnecting Heaven and Earth, in Spirit, Space
and the Human Psyche". This group has also created a new, ecumenical
religious order called "The Order of the Transfiguration", an "ecumenical
order with links to the United Nations and the World Council of Churches",
which studies "apparitions, post-mortem contacts with dead saints,
invocations of saints and angels", amongst other things, which "is
dedicated as a 'mid-wife' of a New Humanity in a New World Order". Bennett
was (somehow, miraculously!) the ONLY evangelical Christian invited to
present at this conference. He (somehow, miraculously!) escaped with his
life, and will be repeating this lecture at our conference.
Russ Dizdar
Ordained to ministry October 1978, Russ has
served as pastor of 4 churches in the last 30 years. He is a graduate of
Malone College and currently finishing his Masters Degree in Evangelism
at Wagner Leadership Institute (moving it to Columbia Evangelical
Seminary). Russ was also Executive
Director of Greater Akron Youth For Christ, and a Police Chaplin. He has
studied at Cumberland College 'Biblical studies, 'University of Akron
'Criminology and Military science', 21/2 years at Moody Bible School and
in 1984 graduating services for a BA in Religion/Philosophy, with
advanced studies in Theology, Apologetics, and Greek.
He is known as an expert on UFOs and the
occult, SRA, DID, MPD and for his Shatter the Darkness radio program.
Because of his work with the victims and perpetrators of "Cult Crime" he
has discovered an "underground" that most people could never imagine
exists. Dizdar and his ministry team are seeking to do whatever they can
to heal those involved, rescue victims, expose and bring to justice the
perpetrators, and let them all know of the power and love of his king
Jesus Christ. He prefers to be known as "just a Christian" and although
he has participated in the deliverance of hundreds of people from
demonic possession, Dizdar maintains it is just one aspect of the
complete ministry of Jesus.
He has written and taught 14 college
level courses including 'Preemptive Systematic Theology' and offers many
other courses as Internet external learning, including Basics of
Spiritual Warfare, Dynamic Discipleship, Supernatural Apologetics,
Confronting the Powers, Spiritual Leadership for the Third Millenium,
Satanism 101, and The Dark Side of Supernatural Discernment in These
Last Days (only a partial list!).
Joe Jordan
is the MUFON State Section Director for Brevard County, Florida. Brevard
County is the home of the Kennedy Space Center. Joe has been involved in
the field of Ufology for sixteen years, becoming a MUFON member in 1993.
It wasn't long before Joe began to see that to get to the truth of the UFO
phenomenon you would need to get to the closest point on contact, the
abduction experiencers. In 1994 Joe Jordan co-founded CE4 Research Group
to expand his research and document the findings of his work with the
Alien Abduction Experience. His findings will challenge your preconceived
notions of the Alien Abduction Experience.
He served as conference co-ordinator
for The City of Roswell, organizing the
2008 Roswell UFO Conference.
Michael S. Heiser, PhD
earned the M.A. and Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2004. Before attending the UW-Madison,
Mike earned an M.A. in Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania
(major fields: Ancient Israel and Egyptology).
Mike was hired as the Academic Editor
of Logos Bible Software shortly after completing his Ph.D. Before joining
Logos, Mike spent twelve years teaching biblical studies, history, and
biblical languages on the undergraduate level. As Academic Editor for
Logos, Mike is responsible for targeting and evaluating potential data
projects for scholarly products, overseeing existing academic projects,
and participating in creating academic content for the software.
Mike’s main research interests are Israelite
religion (especially Israel’s divine council), contextualizing biblical
theology with Israelite and ancient Near Eastern religion, biblical
languages, ancient Semitic languages, textual criticism, comparative
philology, and Second Temple period Jewish literature. His dissertation
was entitled, "The Divine Council in Late Canonical and Non-Canonical
Second Temple Jewish Literature.” The dissertation sought to discern the
ancient Israelite background to Judaism's "Two Powers in Heaven"
teaching. Mike's other academic interests include paranormal and occult
religions and western esotericism. He is particularly interested in how
these worldviews and traditions have historically drawn on biblical and
ancient Near Eastern material and in turn influenced biblical
interpretation on the popular level. He has become well known through
numerous radio appearances for his critiques of "parababble" and
inside-the-box religious thinking. He is best known to popular audiences
for his paranormal thriller, "The Facade ",
which intertwines many of his interests.
A popular guest on Coast to Coast AM, Art Bell
says "Mike is uniquely qualified to discuss the relationship between
ancient texts and ufology..." |
Guy Malone
began his ministry in the UFO field spurred by
the mass-suicide of the Heaven's Gate UFO cult.
He is best known as author of
"Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon & The Bible "
and - after moving to Roswell in 1999 - as
co-founder (with Joe Jordan and Chris Ward) of
Alien Resistance, an organization dedicated to
offering Biblical perspectives on the UFO /
Abduction phenomena. Malone has organized
several successful conferences in Roswell which
affirm the more credible aspects of UFO and
abduction research, and investigates such
reports from an evangelical perspective. In 2007
he served as conference co-ordinator for The City of Roswell's
60th Anniversary.
Malone lives in Roswell New Mexico with his wife, and together they
continue the work. This is his sixth UFO themed conference to produce,
introducing attendees to the idea that the phenomena is spiritual in
nature. This 2009 event is produced without "opposing" or "secular" views,
and targeted primarily for the benefit of equipping the church for
ministry to those whose belief systems are being drawn to New Age and/or
UFO-themed religious views.
Lecture Sept 2009:
Christians and The Demonic view from The Bible
Malone (not
pictured here) is the author of
"A Modern Guide to Demons
and Fallen Angels", which includes an overview of the powers
and abilities these entities exhibit. She does volunteer work at Alien
Resistance, including the Alien Resistance Christian Lending Library,
and has appeared on The Curs~ed Net, Area 33, and Live From Roswell
internet radio shows.
L.A. Marzulli, D Min
is the author of the fictional
Trilogy" (published by Zondervan)
and the non-fiction
"Politics, Prophecy and The Supernatural ."
He holds an honorary doctorate (D. Min.) from
Pacific International University for his
research on Nephilim.
Marzulli has researched the topic of UFO
cults in depth, which became the basis for his the Nephilim trilogy (Zondervan).
His research has convinced him that serious spiritual deception is going
on, and many people are falling under its spell. He wrote the trilogy to
help people understand the spiritual dimensions of the whole UFO
phenomenon, which he sees as part of the end times prophesied in The Book
of Revelation, The Book of Daniel, and elsewhere in the Bible. He
emphasizes that "The present political
landscape is in direct correlation to supernatural events, that happened,
in some cases, millennia ago."
A talented musician and composer who has
recorded a number of albums, L.A. Marzulli lives in Malibu with his
wife and two daughters.
JUNE 7 UPDATE: Due to schedule conflict, L.A.
Marzulli will be appearing in person only on
July 3rd for his lecture. His answers to our
Sunday Symposium questions will be submitted in
writing and read aloud. |
Pastor Chris Ward, D Min
is currently the senior pastor of Logos
Christian Fellowship and an alumnus of Golden
State School of Theology. He is an Innovative
Learning Specialist for the Lake County School
Board, and author of
Files of an Internet Exorcist."
Ward began his Internet outreach with The
Exorcist Files in July of 1998. Other ministries
include outreach to UFO abductees, Rainbow
People, the homeless, and Viet Nam Veterans.
Born on Guam, in the Mariana Islands, he has
been a missionary to Tonga in the South Pacific,
Guatemala, Mexico, Haiti, and Kenya. He has been
the author of several books including The Phat News of Mark.
He walked point for the 101st Airborne Recondos’ Strike Force
Widow Makers, in Vietnam in 1968. He is now walking point for the
spiritually oppressed.
Ward has a
Bachelor of Economics from San Diego State University, a Fifth Year,
Teacher Education Certificate, from the University of California at
Riverside, CA, a Masters of Science in Educational Technology at Walden
University, Minneapolis, MN, a Masters of Christian Education, and a
Doctorate of Ministry in Christian Education from Golden State School of
Theology, Stockton, CA. He graduated Summa Cum Laude in all of his
post-graduate programs. In addition, he has attended Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) on a grant from the National Science
Foundation, in Computer Equity. He is currently dual enrolled at Harvard
Graduate School of Education and Nova Southeartern University for a
Doctorate (Ed.D) in Instructional Technology and Distance Education.
He has been the host of
numerous radio talk shows including The Exorcist Files and Chapel Time. He
has been featured in MSNBC, The Learning Channel, Tampa 10, Penn & Teller,
Glenn Beck, and Charisma Magazine. Chris is the 1999 receiver of the
Disney Teacherrrific Special Judges Award, the Disney Teacherrrific of
2000, and the Disney Teacherrific Top Award for 2003. He has been Teacher
of the Year twice in Lake County, Florida.
Stephen Yulish, PhD
was always interested in UFOs and was a member of NICAP and APRO in the
1960s after reading Project Bluebook. He studied astronomy and exobiology
at Case Western Reserve University and graduated in 1969. He eventually
became a History Professor at The University of Arizona for seven years
where he visited Allen Hyneck's Tucson group.
He became interested in
Bible Prophecy after he had a head-on collision with Jesus Christ in 1988.
He is presently disabled with MS and writes about end-time scenarios. He
is the author of the fiction novels
Great Harpazo Deception : The Real Story of UFOs" and
: Israel,"
as well as the non-fiction
for a Civic Religion: History of the Character Education Movement in
America, 1890-1935."
Recently published in UFO Digest:
Abductions Stopped In Jesus Name!
JUNE 7 UPDATE: Due to health reasons, Dr. Yulish
will not be appearing in person. His answers to
our Sunday Symposium questions will be submitted
in writing and read aloud. |
Regarding the
above DVDs which are shipped on a
"name your own price" donation basis...
What we consider (among other things):
"Unlike so many, we do not peddle the Word
of God for profit. On the contrary, in
Christ we speak before God with sincerity,
like men sent from God" 2
Corinthians 2:17
"Do you love me? ... Feed my sheep." John
What you should consider (among other
"Anyone who receives instruction in the word
must share all good things with his
instructor." Galatians
"Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth
out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of
his reward." 1
Tim 5:18
Some of us have a calling to research and
teach the above material, which we already
have done without earning
income from the work (call us compelled). We
do not however, further exceed
our scriptural obligations (in this case) by
giving these DVDs away, but invite you to
fulfill your scriptural obligation by naming
your own price according
to your own conscience and ability to pay.
Those who cannot afford much may simply
offer whatever they can; those who can
afford it are asked to offer a more
reasonable amount to enable us to continue
this work, and to help provide for sending
DVDs to those who cannot offer much at this
time. If your suggested donation does not at
least cover our reproduction & shipping
costs, you will be notified and your
donation will be refunded immediately if
desired. |
3-DVD Set of Entire Event

3-DVD Set includes
All 9 Lectures
Plus the Sunday
DVDs Available Now for Immediate Shipping!
Please allow 1 week
for US delivery
Use PayPal buttons
or mail $ to:
Resistance HQ
PO Box 692345
Orlando, FL
Please specify which DVDs you are ordering when
you mail us.
Also Available:
Single Lecture DVDs

Available on a
donation basis.
All 9
Lectures are also available as single DVDs...
William Alnor, PhD
"Aliens & Demonology:
A Study Throughout History and
Name-Your-Own-Price* donation
Gary Bates
"Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution
Name-Your-Own-Price* donation
Bennett, PhD
"Communications with
Biblical & Historical Warnings"
Name-Your-Own-Price* donation
Joe Jordan, OM, MUFON
"Unholy Communion: The Spiritual Nature of Abduction
See Here
Michael S. Heiser, PhD
"Why an Extraterrestrial God Appeals to Today's
Name-Your-Own-Price* donation
Guy Malone
"ET's Message To Humanity:
A False Gospel"
Name-Your-Own-Price* donation
Guy & Mrs. Malone
"The Bible, Physics, & The Abilities of
Fallen Angels"
Name-Your-Own-Price* donation
L.A. Marzulli, D Min
"The UFO Phenomena is Real, Burgeoning, and Not
Going Away"
Name-Your-Own-Price* donation
Pastor Chris Ward, D Min
"Ministry to the UFO Community;
One Pastor's Story"
Name-Your-Own-Price* donation